Zhiqing Wan
In addition to that, Spencer also stated that the company was committed to bringing the series to Steam at the same time as Xbox going forward. He reaffirms the belief that Microsoft wants to be able to bring games to a wider audience, regardless of how they choose to play. This certainly falls in line with the Xbox ethos, as the “console wars” of years past have grown increasingly irrelevant while Microsoft focuses more on Game Pass, and Play Anywhere program allowing players to enjoy their games on PC without having to own an Xbox console. It’s worth noting that we’ve yet to see a Call of Duty game on a Nintendo platform, so this would certainly allow the mammoth series to reach an even wider audience. Now we’ll just hope and pray that the Switch can actually keep up with the graphical demands.

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Microsoft Pledges to Bring Call of Duty to Nintendo Platforms for the Next 10 Years - 49