With these decisions taken, it is now unnatural what happened. The tech giant Microsoft’s Lumia smartphones have gone back to the tech giant Microsoft’s stores and currently are on sale. According to the information being shared, the well-known Lumia smartphones of the tech giant Microsoft have returned to Microsoft stores, at least in the United States. But, not just in the online store, but also in the physical stores. This seems a bit of a logical step after the decision to remove these devices from the sale, a step taken by the tech giant Microsoft itself last year. The idea was to sell the stocks and stop selling the equipment when they were at zero. According to the information from the tech giant Microsoft itself, this return happened earlier this month, having been reported that the date for this return was February 4.

In the online store, it is now possible to see available the last 4 models released by the tech giant Microsoft. So, among those 4 models, you can find the Lumia 950, 950 XL, 550 and 650. It is not known if this return is final or if the tech giant Microsoft is just finishing shipping equipment that has been left in storage. The truth is that these smartphones can now be bought. Even with this return, the fate of Windows 10 Mobile and the Lumia line is outlined. It will be over soon, with only bug fixes being released for now. The tech giant Microsoft will soon be introducing new features, probably in the form of new equipment, which will change the market, as has been shown several times. So, what do you think about this return? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.

Mysteriously Microsoft Is Selling Old Lumia Smartphones Once Again - 20