Recently, Telegram launched its first paid subscription with many new features such as 4 GB file uploads, faster downloads, exclusive stickers, and reactions. Let’s compare them with Snapchat+.

Snapchat+ Subscription Plan Will Cost You $3.99 Per Month

Just 2 weeks ago, a reliable tipster, Alessandro Paluzzi, revealed some leaks claiming that Snapchat will soon introduce its paid tier, which will be named Snapchat Plus, with a bundle of features. And for the confirmation, The Verge reached out to the Snapchat, and then it was confirmed by their spokesperson and about its launch, he hinted it would be arriving soon, but we didn’t expect this much sooner. The urgency might be because the company has missed its revenue goals for Q1 this year and doesn’t want it for the next time. Snapchat Plus includes a group of exclusive, experimental, and pre-release features such as subscribers can pin a friend to the top of their list as a “BFF“, multiple premium icons to change the app icon, and stats of who rewatched the stories. Snapchat Plus costs $3.99 per month, and it is also disappointing that Snapchat Plus subscribers can still see the ads on the platform because it is the company’s first shot to make money exceeding advertising. In an interview with The Verge, the SVP of product, Jacob Andreou, said, “ads are going to be at the core of our business model for the long term”. The Snapchat Plus is available in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. If the list doesn’t include your country so don’t worry because the company has said that they will expand it to the other regions shortly.

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