Giuseppe Nelva
First of all, the first paid DLC Champions of Chaos Lords Pack will include four legendary lords, each aligned with one of the Chaos Gods. The first to be revealed is s Azazel, Prince of Damnation, aligned with Slaanesh. The package includes the following CAMPAIGN

4 new Legendary LordsNew campaign mechanicsPlayable in both the Immortal Empires and Realm of Chaos campaigns (but do not interact with the Ursun storyline)


8 new ‘Marked’ Lord and Hero characters36 new ‘Marked’ versions of mortal Chaos unitsNew Chaos Warshrine with four ‘Marked’ variants4 Regiments of Renown units (one for each Chaos God)

They will have their own campaign mechanics centered around the ancient city of Zanbaijin, allowing players to fight for chaos gifts, occupy dark fortresses, and vassallize Norscan tribes. We’re also getting tons of new units which you can find listed at the bottom of the post. The DLC will release on August 23 at the same time as the Immortal Empires beta. On top of this, the Blood For The Blood God III DLC will also come, bringing its blood and gore to the battlefield. It’ll actually be free if you own one of the previous DLC of the same kinds for Total War: Warhammer or its sequel. As usual, a free DLC will accompany the paid one for everyone, and it’s “Marked Chaos Warriors” including the following variants:

GREAT WEAPONS for NurgleHELLSCOURGES for SlaaneshHALBERDS for Tzeentch

You can enjoy the trailer below. New Units: MARKED LORDS

Chaos Lord of KhorneChaos Sorcerer Lord of NurgleChaos Lord of SlaaneshChaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch


Chaos Warshrine (Undivided)Chaos Warshrine of KhorneChaos Warshrine of NurgleChaos Warshrine of SlaaneshChaos Warshrine of Tzeentch


Exalted Hero of KhorneExalted Hero of NurgleChaos Sorcerer of SlaaneshChaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch


Chaos Marauders of KhorneChaos Marauders of Khorne (Dual Weapons)Chaos Marauders of NurgleChaos Marauders of Nurgle (Great Weapons)Chaos Marauders of SlaaneshChaos Marauders of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)Chaos Marauders of TzeentchChaos Marauders of Tzeentch (Spears)Chaos Warriors of NurgleChaos Warriors of SlaaneshChaos Warriors of TzeentchChosen of KhorneChosen of Khorne (Dual Weapons)Chosen of NurgleChosen of Nurgle (Great Wepons)Chosen of SlaaneshChosen of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)Chosen of TzeentchChosen of Tzeentch (Halberds)Forsaken of KhorneForsaken of SlaaneshMarauder Horsemen of Khorne (Throwing Axes)Marauder Horsemen of Nurgle (Throwing Axes)Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh (Javelins)Marauder Horsemen of Tzeentch (Javelins)Chaos Knights of KhorneChaos Knights of Khorne (Lances)Chaos Knights of NurgleChaos Knights of Nurgle (Lances)Chaos Knights of SlaaneshChaos Knights of Slaanesh (Lances)Chaos Knights of Tzeentch (Lances)Chaos Chariots of KhorneChaos Chariots of NurgleChaos Chariots of SlaaneshChaos Chariots of Tzeentch

Total War: Warhammer 3 is currently available exclusively for PC. If you’d like to learn more, you can read my review of the game, which will give you a better idea of what it offers before the implementation of Immortal Empires.

Total War  Warhammer 3 Reveals Champions of Chaos Lords Pack DLC  Blood For The Blood God III    More - 22